Newsletter August 2021

In this newsletter:

  • The manuscript is sent to the publisher!
  • New Logo
  • Book Excerpt: Building Blocks Introduction and #1
  • Meet Julika, our communications expert

The manuscript is send to the publisher!

The economy is changing and in it, Economy Studies is on the move! The book has moved from the writers to the publisher and designer who are getting it ready to be visible and available for you. What does this mean?


The manuscript is complete and it is only a matter of design and practicalities before the book launch at the end of October. More information on the book launch will be in the next newsletter, so stick around for next month’s newsletter. In this newsletter, we give you sneak peek into how the book is going to look!

We have a new logo!

Clean, clear and in Rethinking Economics and Our New Economy colours we are one step closer to the Economy Studies launch.

Book Excerpt: Building Blocks Introduction and #1

To give you more of an idea of how the book is going to look, we provide you with a book expert on the introduction to the building blocks and the first one. It is still a draft version, so there are still some mistakes in there that we are correcting, but it already gives an idea of how it will look!

Meet Julika, our communications expert

Last but not least, we finally have our own communications expert: Julika Frome. This was very much needed as both of us are not particularly experts in communication and social media (to understate it).

Julika is a young but very talented communications expert and economics student. She has her own communications company Vision J and develops educational material for Dutch secondary economics education with Our New Economy. Furthermore, she is a part of the international Rethinking Economics Members Council and head of social media and podcast for the Dutch branch.

Thanks to Julika Economy Studies finally has LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter, so join us on your platform. We hope to see you there!

All the best and stay healthy,

Sam & Joris

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